Southern Teachers is offering a technological advantage for your job search. In addition to presenting your credentials file to schools, we are able to deliver a video resume to the administrators who are considering you.
Competition for good jobs is increasing. Since inaugurating the video-resume project in 2007, we have determined that candidates with a video resume are twice as likely to get a job! We want to help you stand out from the crowd and get the interview that you need. A video resume will help us to help you. To that end, we have compiled some tips and guidelines to aid in your creation of a video resume.
After creating your video, you can share it with your placement counselor via DropBox or Google Drive.
• Go to and create a free account.
• Upload your video.
• Click "Share" and enter your placement counselor's email address.
• Your placement counselor will email you within two business days to confirm we received the video. If you do not hear from him/her, please contact us!
• We are happy to provide feedback and will only share videos we feel will help your file.