In the spring of 2021, more than 200 heads of our member schools took the second phase of the Hogan Assessment.
Phase II used the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) that measures the personality-related risk factors and blind spots that derail careers. These behaviors might be strengths, but when overused can cause problems at work and in life.
Whereas characteristics of the HPI (Phase I) can be seen in a person’s day-to-day behaviors, the performance risks assessed by the HDS will only be seen in situations where a person is not actively managing his or her public image. This might include high stress or change, multi-tasking, task saturation, or poor person/job fit.
Phase II also looks at the interplay between the HPI and HDS by those who have taken both assessments.
Seven weekly reports that distill the results of our Phase II research will be published in September & October 2021, beginning with the Introduction below.
Moving Towards | Number of Headships
Low HDS Scores | Age of First Headship
HPI & HDS | High Adjustment and Moving Away
Schools change; expectations change; conditions change. The leadership skills that brought you to your current position may not suffice in our increasingly complex world. Success as a leader requires growth, and Executive Coaching or Mentoring can help you meet your challenges . . . and thrive.
Southern Teachers has developed comprehensive coaching and mentoring programs that provides on-ongoing partnerships in the development of specific action steps with the supportive accountability to implement these steps.
Contact Rod Chamberlain at 434-295-9122 or