K-12 Teaching Jobs across America

Teachers Seeking Jobs

Upgrade your job search with the ST Teacher Job Board, which lists teaching jobs at K-12 private schools across America. You can sort by subject, grade level, state, and school culture to find jobs that excite you.

Your search is confidential. Review K-12 teaching jobs and apply directly to those that interest you without creating a profile or sharing your private information on our site.

Best of luck in your job search!

Searching for administrative jobs? Apply to become an ST candidate and work with our placement counselors free of charge.

Schools Seeking Teachers

Need teachers? Expand your advertising reach by posting on the ST Teacher Job Board!

Private/independent schools across the country can advertise open teaching jobs here for free. Take advantage of ST's high SEO rankings to get your jobs seen by more teachers than ever. We promote the ST Teacher Job Board to our extensive network of educators and college contacts, built over more than a century of service to schools.

And it's more than just teachers! Schools may list openings in these categories:

Athletic Trainers
Department Chairs
Executive Assistants
Learning Specialists
Long-term Substitutes
Part-time Jobs
School Counselors
School Nurses
Summer Jobs

There are no fees for job posting, and no fees when you hire a teacher. The ST Teacher Job Board is entirely free. Interested candidates will apply directly to your school. To post a job, representatives from member schools can login to their STAR Account. Non-member schools will need to submit a membership application to Goodman@SouthernTeachers.com.

The ST Teacher Job Board is for K-12 teaching positions only. ST can also help you with Administrative and Head of School job searches.


Latest News

  • Head of School Opportunity

    ST Search is assisting Deerfield-Windsor School in its search for the next Head of School. Deerfield-Windsor is a co-educational, independent day school serving students from Pre-K through 12th grade.


  • News Flash!

    ST Search was delighted to assist Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School (Joplin, MO) in securing their next Director of College Counseling, Jon Emery. 


  • Athletic Director Opportunity in Philadelphia

    ST Search is assisting William Penn Charter School in the search for its next Director of Athletics. Founded in 1689, Penn Charter is the oldest Quaker school in the world and serves over 1,000 students in pre-K through grade 12.


  • NEW! Arts Assessments

    Ignite passion. Unleash creativity. Propel performance. 


  • Recent Administrative Placements!

    We are pleased to share our new page for recent Administrative Placements. Follow the link below!


  • Head Coach Mentoring

    Head Coaches and their highly visible sports teams are front-line representatives of the school and its mission. Ensure your coaches are equipped to lead with ST Athletics' sport-specific mentoring service. 


  • Why an Elephant?

    This majestic creature symbolizes many different things in cultures around the world, but we selected it as our icon because the elephant and the agency have key traits in common.


  • Retained Search Nationwide!

    We are delighted to announce that ST Search, a division of Southern Teachers, is now conducting retained searches nationally.


  • Teacher Job Board is Now Available!

    The ST Teacher Job Board, which lists teaching jobs at K-12 private schools across America, is live! Schools may post a job for free, and interested candidates will be directed to the school's website to apply.